You Are What You Eat

Hello Everyone!

The topic for discussion this week is communion. I have a few verses that we will be discussing so go ahead and read over them and bring your talking points and questions. I don’t really want it to be a lesson, but more of a discussion or conversation.

Scripture References

Mark 14.12-26
Exodus 11.5
Exodus 12.3-8
John 6.53-63
Jeremiah 31.31-34


Talking Points

“Presumed familiarity breeds unfamiliarity.” says Dallas Willard. I think this can easily happen with communion. Unfamiliarity leads to neglect, and neglect leads to apathy.

What is communion all about? Do we practice it just to remember the cross?

Jesus says, “this is My blood of the covenant.” What is this covenant? Is it new or old?

How do we eat Jesus’ body and drink His blood? Why and what happens when we do it?


A Quote

“Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No community is more or less than this…We belong to one another only through and in Jesus Christ. What does this mean? It means, first, that a Christian needs others because of Jesus Christ”  

Dietrich Bonehoeffer
Life Together
Pg. 21 


I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. If you have any questions or comments before hand go ahead and post them and I will try to respond. Have a great day!

Seek the Kingdom,


One Response to You Are What You Eat

  1. trey says:

    i am jealous. you guys are going to have a great time together. jon – this sounds rich, and i know that our little family taking communion together will be a special time. GOD bless you guys this week, and i look forward to our next meeting.

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