A Solid Foundation

Hey everyone!

The topic for discussion this week is the final part of Jesus’ sermon on the mount (Matthew 7:24-29). I want to encourage each of you to read over that story, and then go back to Matthew 5, and read and meditate on the greatest sermon ever preached, Matthew 5:3-7:27).

This is not going to be a lesson, but a discussion centered around these questions (and more as they come up). 

Talking Points

Eugene Peterson said, “There is a great market for religous experience in our world; there is little enthusiasm for the patient acquisition of virtue, little inclination to sign up for a long apprenticeship in what earlier generations of Christians called holiness.”

Which of “these words of mine”, that Jesus was talking about (Mat. 5-7), have you heard or read, but really don’t do? Why?

Which of these words hits home with you right now as an area of strength and great faith at this time of your life? What has been the impact on your life in these areas where you are hearing and obeying the words of Jesus?

Over the next few days, weeks, months, years – which of these areas (Mat. 5-7) will you commit to growing  in as you press in to Christ? How can others in this LIFE GROUP help to hold you accountable to these?

I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. If you have any questions or comments before hand go ahead and post them and I will respond and/or we can all discuss. Have a great day!

For Jesus,

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